Subject Leader Mrs N Atkinson
“With Christ in our hearts we live life to the full.”
As a School of Citizenship, we want to provide the children with the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. We are a School of Health, and at Saint Anne's, it is our intent to provide a PSHE curriculum that helps children and young people to stay safe, be healthy and be prepared for life’s challenges and opportunities. We believe that well taught PSHE, will help children to achieve their academic potential. We recognise our role and responsibility to cover the statutory requirements of the Relationships and Health Education.
Early Years
PSHE is a prime area and is planned for and taught on a daily basis. Discrete sessions are also taught for certain topics including relationships and well-being. Journey in Love helps to teach the statutory aspects of RSE.
KS1 and KS2
We follow ‘Journey in Love’ to teach many statutory aspects of RSE but recognise that this doesn’t provide everything we feel our children need to know. We use the PSHE Association programmes of study to help plan a broader curriculum which also covers health, relationships, economic well-being, careers and enterprise and personal safety education. We strive to be a School of Excellence and believe that this comprehensive curriculum will meet the needs of our children. The programme of study develops knowledge and skills by reinforcing and extending year on year. It arranges topics over three broad themes - Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the wider world.
PHSE is taught in a variety of ways. We have discrete lessons and themed weeks. As a School of Health we hold an annual 'Health Week' within school to address key issues in this area. Sometimes, we teach it in a reactive way to particular areas of concern or issues. There are many cross curricular links with our Science, Computing, P.E. and R.E. curriculums too. We use assemblies and outside agencies and visiors to also cover key issues that form part of our PSHE curriculum.
Our broad PSHE curriculum will give our children the skills and knowledge they need to
- Express themselves and be happy
- Know how to keep themselves safe, including online
- Understand the importance of, and make healthy lifestyle choices
- Be able to have good and healthy relationships
- Know how they can have a positive impact on the wider community
- To prepare them for the next stage in their education and life